For 50 years, CS electric has serviced the marine industry nationally and globally with, among other things, the design and development of new systems for energy optimization, as well as upgrading and maintenance of existing systems. This means that today we understand the industry and the importance of one's fleet performing under competitive conditions. We support the entire value chain from the initial sparring to servicing the individual systems on board.
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Customers and end users of the industry place ever greater demands on competitiveness and the environment when it comes to manufacturing. At CS electric, we have dedicated ourselves to helping our industrial customers minimize costs and their impact on the environment through the use of technology in their manufacturing process. We understand the importance of the industry performing under competitive conditions, both economically and environmentally.
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Despite the fact that today we have technologies available that consume energy smarter, the global need for energy increases as the world becomes more populated and the standard of living in large parts of the world increases. CS electric assists the energy sector with sustainable solutions within electrical and automation technology in their eternal quest to produce more environmentally friendly energy. Wether is is within the sustainable energy sources such as wind and biomass, but also within the more conventional energy sources.
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